A Poisonous Milk

Tens of school children poisoned by milk in C Java
Purwokerto, C Java, May 10 (ANTARA News) - Tens of elementary school students in Purwokerto, Banyumas, Central Java, were poisoned on Saturday after consuming fresh milk produced by a local cattle breeding farm.
Data gathered by ANTARA on Saturday indicated that up to 11.30 am local time, at least 36 students were rushed to the Wijaya Kusuma (RSWK) hospital in Purwokerto. Ten of the school children had to receive intensive treatment.
Fifth-grade student Novi Anggraeni of the Bancarkembar I elementary school said she had bought the milk through her school at Rp1,000 per pouch.
"I consumed the milk at 8.30 am but half an hour later I began to feel queasy and dizzy," she said.
The 36 school children came from the Bancarkembar I and Bancarkembar II elementary schools.
Spokesman of the farm R Basuki said the milk had been distributed to school children in the framework of a national program to make them accustomed to consuming milk.
"We have had no problem so far. But today, a problem arose after we distributed 1,050 pouches of milk each containing 120 cc to eight elementary schools and one kindergarten. The problem happened with those sent to the Bacarkembar I and Bacarkembar II elementary schools," he added.