Illegal Fishing Networks Should Be Cracked

Minister asks police to dismantle illegal fishing networks
Jayapura, Papua (ANTARA News)- Maritime and Fisheries Minister Freddy Numberi has asked the National Police`s Criminal Investigation Department (Bareskrim) to dismantle the many illegal fishing networks that are believed to be operating in Indonesian waters.
The minister also requested Bareskrim to investigate fish and fuel oil barter activities in which Chinese fishing boats are known to be often engaged in Indonesian waters.
Numberi told ANTARA News about his requests to the police in connection with the apprehension of 26 foreign fishing boats in waters off Papua`s southern coast by an integrated security agencies team last March 16, 2008.
All of the 26 fishing boats, including two Thai-flagged ones, were currently being detained at Timika`s Pomako harbor in Papua.
Numberi said his ministry believed some organization was behind the illegal activities in Indonesian waters and he had asked Bareskrim to bust it and uncover the individuals involved.
It was also reported the foreign fishing vessels used forged documents.